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The Daniel Morcombe Foundation is a not for profit foundation that provides free resources for children and young people’s personal safety education.
If you are seeking other information or support, we recommend the following websites and services.

Emergency call 000
For any emergencies or if someone is in danger please call 000 immediately.

Bus Complaints
If you have a complaint about a bus service, please contact the bus company directly. If you are unhappy with the response, you are able to write a formal letter to your local State Member of Parliament and the State Transport Minister.

The Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE)
ACCCE provides a nationally consistent response to reports of inappropriate, harmful or criminal activities that have occurred to children online.
You can report online at
or call 132 237.

Crime Stoppers
Crime Stoppers provides a way for anyone to share their concerns anonymously. You do not need to identify yourself and you will not have to attend court.
1800 333 000 or www.crimestoppers.com.au

The Office of the eSafety Commissioner provides information and support on cyberbullying and online safety. www.esafety.gov.au
Mental Health and Crisis Services

Kids Helpline
Provides telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25.
1800 55 1800 or www.kidshelp.com.au

24 hour crisis line for any issue including suicidal thoughts or attempts, personal crisis, anxiety, depression, loneliness, abuse and trauma, stresses from work, family or society, self-help information for friends and family.
Call 131 114 or visit www.lifeline.org.au

Beyond Blue
Provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.
1300 224 636 or www.beyondblue.org.au
Domestic and Family Violence

1800 Respect
Rational sexual assault and domestic family violence counselling service.
1800 RESPECT – 1800 737 732 or visit www.1800respect.org.au

DV Connect – Domestic Violence Hotline 24/7
DVConnect is the only state wide telephone service offering anyone affected by domestic or family violence a free crisis hotline 24 hours a day 7 days a week. They offer free, professional and non-judgemental telephone support, wherever you live in Queensland.
1800 811 811 (Women)
1800 600 636 (Men)
1800 010 120 (Sexual Assault Helpline)
Support for Victims of Crime

Queensland Homicide Victims Support Group – QHVSG
24 hour emotional support,personal advocacy and information to all people affected by homicides that occur in QLD regardless of age, gender, culture or religion.
Call 1800 774 744 or www.qhvsg.org.au

New South Wales Homicide Victims Support Group – HVSG
Offer counselling, support and information to families and friends of homicide victims throughout NSW.
Call 1800 191 777 or www.hvsg.com.au

Victoria Homicide Victims Support Group – VHVSG
VHVSG Victims Assistance Support Team (VAST) will provide immediate and specialised service management to all homicide victims.
Call 03 9662 1368 or www.vhvsg.websyte.com.au

South Australia Homicide Victim Support Group – HVSG
The group is for people who have suffered the loss of a loved one through homicide, whether it is a wife, partner, child or sibling.
Call 08 8301 4200 or visit www.dpp.sa.gov.au/03/HomicideMaze.pdf

Tasmania Victim Support Services Tasmania Department of Justice
Information on your rights, legal procedures, Victim Impact Statements, or related issues.
Call 03 6165 7524 or
1300 663 773 (toll free) or email
victims@justice.tas.gov.au or visit

Northern Territory Victims of Crime
Provision of support, information, referral and advocacy to victims of crime within the Northern Territory.
Call 1800 672 242 or

Reporting Child Abuse
If you suspect that a child has experienced abuse or is at risk of harm you should contact the relevant state or territory child protection agency. The Australian Institute of Family Studies has an up to date contact list https://aifs.gov.au/cfca/publications/reporting-abuse-and-neglect
QLD Crime and Corruption Commission, Information or a complaint about the conduct of a public sector officer including police 1800 061 611
NSW The Police Integrity Commission and the Crime Commission
1800 451 524 or
02 9286 1000
VIC Victorian Police’s Professional Standards Command
1300 363 101
TAS Tasmanian Integrity Commission 1300 720 289
SA Independent Commissioner Against Corruption
1300 782 489 or
08 8207 1777
WA Corruption and Crime Commission 08 9215 4998
NT Ombudsman
1800 806 380